

  • Korea University, B.A. in English Literature & Linguistics and LBNC(Language, Brain and Computer)
  • Interest : Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, IOS App development


Human Languages

  • Native in Korean
  • No problem in communication in English
  • No problem in chitchatting in Japanese

Computer Languages

  • Advanced in Python, Swift and Bash
  • Moderate in C, C++ and Web related languages like Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL


  • Real Time Speech Recognition IOS Application [PRIVATE]
    Created for accuracy test for speech recoginition engine using Kaldi

  • Speech Synthesis Engine & Web Service [PRIVATE]
    Tensorflow model for Speech Synthesis and Its server for web service.

  • Text Independent Speaker Verification Using GE2E Loss [PUBLIC]
    Tensorflow model for Text Independent Speaker Verification
    Github Repo

Contact me
